954-303-3355 OlgaVictoriya@me.com


Recommended if you want to improve your health and ready to make the changes

Cost: 90 min first consultation on site, then 30 min second consultation over the phone if needed- $250


1. Wellness History Questionnaire
2. Bio-Resonance Computer Express Test

Wellness Analysis is designed to measure electrical parameters of biologically active zones, bearing information about condition of inter-related organs and systems.The essence of automatic data processing is a measurement of electrical conductivity parameters in biologically active points on hands, legs and head, which are protectively related to different zones, organs and systems in the organism. Modern computer technology enable you to see your body health, in current time scale. The results will be sent to your email address.

3. Body Analysis through Observation and Kinesiology Test

By observing your posture, movements, tong, skin, muscle and joins, I will  identify imbalances, weaknesses, and areas of improvement in an individual’s body. Through a combination of visual assessment and hands-on techniques, such as kinesiology testing I  can create personalized plan to promote your overall well-being.

4. Detox Protocol

Detox Protocol is written recommendation for anti-parasite and anti-bacterial cleanse and pH balance in printed form and sent to your email address.

5. Food Healing Protocol 

I will help you to design  your healing foods menu based on computer wellness analysis and your personal  wellness goals. I will email you the  list of recommendations with healing foods and supplements. It may be protocols for: Accelerated Wellness, Allergies, Alzheimer, Anti-Viral, Anemia, Anti-Inflammatory, Arthritis, Asthma, ADD, Autism, Blood Circulation, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Colds, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes 2, Heart, Infertility, Insomnia, Kidneys, Liver, Memory, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Stroke,  Urinary, Parkinson’s Support, Prostate, Thyroid, Weight Loss, etc.

6. Three Individual complexes for device Biomedis Trinity (if you have one)

Morning- Day-Night Bioresonance Complexes and recommendations how to use them.

7. Other wellness recommendations like Self-Massage Technique, Qigong Exercise, etc

I will show you some points on the body to support your wellness and archive your health goals and show you some easy Qigong movements to remove stagnant energy and collect  new one. I may give you some homework in neurographics, neurobionics  and bioresonace if you already had a private session with me and familiar with these practices.